Discourse - Bubblegum Club

Addressing The Power Imbalance Between Africa And Her Diaspora

The persistent impact of colonialism’s “Divide and Conquer” strategy on the relationship between Africa and her Diaspora, necessitates the addressing of entrenched power imbalances and confrontation of shared struggles against economic exploitation and systemic oppression. While acknowledging the historical scars of colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade, this article challenges the notion of an overly…

Tradwife // The Homemade Bread Controversy

**Disclaimer: The primary context of this article is Tradwifes, therefore the disinclusion of Nara Smith is intentional as she has expressly stated that she is not a tradwife. This is not ironic.  While the world at large may have cemented a profound synergy with social media influencers and content creators, its cooperation with the rising…

Sprinkle Sprinkle: Talking to TikTok’s Transactional Love Trend

Let’s be honest, the boy-meets-girl trope is a thing of the ancient past. In today’s dating world, it’s more like dog-eat-dog. With the inevitable decline of marriage and traditional gender roles, it’s no wonder people are finding new ways to win in the game of love. Contemporary relationships have seen transactional love become prevalent, evident…

Gen Z and the Social Media Dating Game 

Situationships, bites, talking stages, and sneaky links. Gen Z has invented every term to describe a relationship that is not an actual relationship. Scrolling through TikTok, my algorithm has thrown me into the failed relationship side of the platform. From life coaches to single girlies, to random finance bros all giving their unmediated advice on…

An Updated Understanding of Femcels

Almost as soon as it began, hookup culture began dying a slow and painful death. Globally, sex rates are declining, which could be connected to bad sex, a lack of communication in sexual relationships, and inadequate sex education. Hookup culture centred the male orgasm, ignoring the importance of genuine human connection, and conflating sex with…

Memeology: A Brief Foray Into the Language of Now

Memeology could be defined as the study of memes—a cultural phenomenon that has used the momentum of the Internet to change the world. Transcending barriers, borders and generations, memes allow people to express opinions, frustrations, or observations and have become essential tools for those born into social media, spawning a whole new form of communication….

A Strong Case For the African New Year

People wonder why Africa is in such disarray and one of the answers is right in front of our eyes and tauntingly flaunted as if it is of no significance at the so-called beginning of every year. Africa’s disorder is tied to colonial time standards enforced by the Gregorian Calendar (1582). Derogatory terms like “African…

Does Consuming True Crime Content Make Us Trash People?

The rise of social media detectives and the popularity of true crime content reveals an entitlement to information that’s not exactly exclusive to the Internet. The true crime genre encompasses various media like magazines, books, films, television, and podcasts, that detail real crimes and their effects on individuals associated with or impacted by criminal events….

Party Politics and The Cult of Cool 

For some reason, every time I think of party politics, I can’t help but think of the politics of parties. Like actual, booked a nightclub, streamers attached to the ceiling, drinks passed around kind of party. I  mean, if we’re being real, most of my peers don’t seem to GAF about the DA or the…

Black Tax: A Burden or Ubuntu?

Black Tax: A term originating in South Africa that refers to the financial responsibility that many young working professionals, specifically POCs, shoulder to support their families and households.  Disclaimer: This article is not intended to offend any person or household that upholds the black tax practice, I am merely addressing the black tax practice as…