art&culture - Bubblegum Club - Page 20

The #MeToo image going viral

The trending #metoo that is flooding social media has led to the creation of a haunting image by Brooklyn based graphic designer and artist, Victoria Siemer, better known as Witchoria. The image has been received with appreciation by women the world over. It has been reposted on your social media feed at least once and…

Jenevieve Aken’s photographic series Great Expectations

Nigerian photographer Jenevieve Aken focuses on documentary photography, self-portraits portraits and cultural issues. Her work was selected to be part of the Photographic Museum of Humanity, which launched in 2013. As the first internet museum dedicated to contemporary photography, the museum created a category specifically for photography from Nigeria. This was curated by LagosPhoto founder…

RECLAIMED by Mziyanda Malgas and Daniel Walton

In an email conversation with creatives Mziyanda Malgas and Daniel Walton, they explained to me that Cape Town is often viewed from the outside as a city which is open and accepting of everyone, particularly those who have a creative inclination. However, when looking at the city through the eyes of young queer people living…

In Bloom // Not just another white cube exhibition

In Bloom is Ja.’s first exhibition held at the KZNSA Gallery. The exhibition features 11 South African artists but what differentiates it from the traditional exhibition is that each featured artist’s work received a personalized backdrop. I spoke to the curators for the exhibition, Niamh Walsh-Vorster, Youlendree Appasamy and Dave Mann to find out more about…

Blood. Bone. Skin. Hair // Limb presents Of

Visual artist Limb (Tamzyn Botha) started building installations for music festivals when she was 19. “Music being my main source of inspiration, but over time (as I am untrained) I have thrown myself into situations where I have forced the evolution of my craft,” she explains. Over the years she has slowly been leaning towards…

Nelisiwe Xaba’s lecture performance Bang Bang Wo

“Bang bang what?” “‘Wo’ ‘Bang bang wo’. It means ‘help’ in Mandarin,” I explained as we searched desperately for parking in the streets of Maboneng. Statuesque and in all white, the sight of Nelisiwe Xaba at the door steadied our hurried pace before entering The Centre for the Less Good Idea. The room hushed when…