Art - Bubblegum Club - Page 10

Navigating our relationship to time with A4 Gallery exhibition: ‘Customs’

There is ‘something’ liberating underscoring our relationship to, and fear of, time. Something co-curator Sumayya Vally describes as a part of the ‘inarticulable’ tether binding the collection that makes up Customs, the latest group exhibition at A4 Gallery, by A4 Arts Foundation. “Not because [the knowledge is] not being articulated,” Vally explains in the show’s…

Transforming the narrative of Brazilian blackness by talking about love and affection

Black Brazilian singers and artists are “finally” talking about love and affection in their music and work — in addition to stereotypes, masculinity, patriarchy, racism and censorship. With the continuous breaking down of barriers, combined with recent access to power and the market, and above all, narratives of protagonists and valorisation, more people can be…

Theo Jansen & the Strandbeest | A kinetic wonder

Over the last week or so, Dutch artist Theo Jansen and his art exhibit named Strandbeest which means “beach animals” in English went viral on Twitter. The exhibition is of “creatures” made of various materials that are engineered to walk or even fly over beaches. It’s barely surprising that such an interesting and unique mix of…

Obsessed with alt film representation: A24 & MUBI

With the trajectory of film moving forward from the centralisation of big studio ideas and principles such as, Warner Brothers, Sony and Walt Disney, it is important to have a look at the new emergence of film houses producing some impactful work. Despite the cinematography, the important work that is being done is through alternative…

Artist Deborah Roberts has something to tell you

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” Anonymous Artist Deborah Roberts’ new art exhibition titled I Have Something To Tell You, will be unveiled in London this week. The exhibition, which contains some of Roberts’ greatest paintings, highlights the barriers that Black children face…

Abe Ogunlende’s expressive world of an African minimalism

Yin is to yang. Summer is to winter. Similarly, Art Pop is to Minimalism. The former is representative and embracing of the art within the commercialised world of mass production yet the latter recoils at the sight of that and embraces the power of less. Thus their common ground is merely the vague “art world”….