music - Bubblegum Club - Page 38

Francis Jay Makes Music to Break Up to

Summer is on its way, which usually means sunshine and good times, but for some of you, it’ll mean heartbreak as your significant other decides they’re FINALLY done with your shit, and discards you for a rotating roster of holiday lovers. Whilst you look back over the last few months/years/decades and think about all the…

Rapper RRA confronts the darkness within

“I spent a lot of time by myself so I never really engaged in what was happening” explains RRA of his childhood in Rustenburg. While his older brother lay his rap foundation by introducing him to hip hop in Primary School, his attraction to alternative sounds and artists came from scouring the internet discovering music…

The unsettling ambience of Haich’s ‘Conversations’

LCD displays building inch by inch of pixelated data. Grotesque, mutant like clay sculptures basking in red tones open up a peculiar night terror filled with white light reminiscent of an operating theatre from space opera cinema. An alien feeling prevails. Detachment. Then we see him in a glass case. Intersections come to mind between…

The Werehouse is a Home for Durban’s Creative Youth

Just over a year ago, a new home for music and creativity opened it’s massive wooden sliding door in Durban’s Rivertown precinct. While most of the Rivertown “urban renewal” project in Durban has pretty much failed, with spaces that were promised to become cultural hubs, like 8 Morisson and ‘The Shed’, laying dormant, there’s a…

Blinky Bill is Just Winging It

With the release of his first international album, Everyone’s Just Winging It and Other Fly Tales, Kenyan producer and performing artist Blinky Bill brings together his various influences and experiences that have shaped this multifaceted artist. Raised in Nairobi, the soundtrack of his youth featured his mom’s religious songs and dad’s vintage Congolese sounds. Later on,…

Jan Wagner explores the classical and the electronic

Contemporary German music has gained an international reputation for experimentation and elegant precision. In the 1970s, Krautrock artists like Can, Neu! and Faust made wild psychedelic rock that exploded the limits of human consciousness. As the Berlin Wall was falling, the city was pumping out techno that perfectly captured the alluring alienation of modern life….

Kaien Cruz gets Dangerous with her Latest Single

It’s weird, I don’t know if Bubblegum Club readers would already know who Kaien Cruz is. Like, you should, she’s been all over radio and TV, but maybe you don’t listen to radio and don’t watch TV, so maybe you’re out of the loop and you’re missing out? Maybe you don’t know that Kaien featured…

Furies // Three Witches and the ironies of connectedness

“We all worked together to create a mythical story within the imagined universe of ‘Furies’, inspired by the idea of ‘Thaumogenesis’: a process through which a demon is believed to be created as a by-product of a resurrection technique. When a resurrection ritual takes place, two holes are created, and two spiritual entities may enter the…

Lanii Clouds – Death Beats

“My music is death music. My beats have this dark, heavy atmosphere, but I don’t think that darkness is a negative thing”. Sipping a juice on a sunny Friday afternoon, rapper and beatmaker Lanii Clouds is explaining the philosophy behind his prolific body of work. Since 2013, the Johannesburg based artist has been releasing a…