Art - Bubblegum Club - Page 12

Exploring Machinima with Sheetal Magan and Stolen Pony

The term ‘machinima’ describes the use of real time computer graphics engines to create cinematic productions. Machinima is a portmanteau of the words “machine” and “cinema” and is one of the more practical examples of collaboration between technology and longform art. I came across this term and description as I was researching film director Sheetal…

On wakefulness and R. Daniels’ The Dreamer

*This essay forms part of Bubblegum’s Collaboration with Bag Factory and their visiting curator from Uganda, EM Mirembe. Reader, writer and PhD candidate Mapule Mohulatsi reads R. Daniels‘ artwork The Dreamer, in Medindi Manor with meditations on wakefulness. This is about a sleeping, possibly dead, black woman I met at a Cape Town lodge where the…

Before Yesterday We Could Fly: An Afrofuturist Period Room

There’s a beautiful thought experiment that writer and theorist Kodwo Eshun suggests we should undertake: “Imagine a team of African archeologists from the future—some silicon, some carbon, some wet, some dry—excavating a site, a museum from their past: a museum whose ruined documents and leaking discs are identifiable as belonging to our present, the early…