Glitter Betty – fashion for the cheeky and playful - Bubblegum Club

Glitter Betty – fashion for the cheeky and playful

Fashion label Glitter Betty from up-and-coming designer Khensani Mohlatlole exemplifies all things young and fun. Inspired by babes like Fela Gucci and Desire Marea from FAKA, she conjures up whimsical, textured garments and accessories.

Glitter Betty started from Khensani’s obsession with thrift shopping and upcycling in high school and became an extension of a her blog Glitter Daiquiri. With her currently studying fashion, the label has transitioned from  upcycling to the creation of her own designs. Khensani has always been drawn to glitter, and anything reminiscent of fun, sparkle and eccentricity. Khensani describes her label as the meeting point between cute, sexy and quirky. “That’s what I wanted the name and idea [for the label] to give off.”. Her latest collection channels the spirits of Cher, Diana Ross and Grace Jones with cheeky silhouettes that subvert the assumed subtly and romance of sheer, velvet and satin.

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Reflecting on how she interprets her audience, Khensani explained that, “People are more interested in the fact that there clothes are ethically made, they know who made them and that everything they are getting is unique, not just trend-happy, fast fashion.”. This is reflected in her approach to try and create clothing that means something. She is interested in new ways we can reinvent fashion and strip it of being strictly women’s wear or menswear. She is thinking about creating gender-neutral collections this year. “It’s more liberating,” she continues, “You’re not confined to a certain number of silhouettes or fabrics. It’s about what you feel looks good and putting it on a body.”.

She has recently partnered up with Botswana brand by Mboko Basiami, Glotto. “We have both been on each other’s radar but she took the plunge and contacted me. We both dress the same type of person but in different ways,” Khensani explained. At the moment they are sharing space on Glitter Betty’s online store, but have plans to work on a collection together to be released later this year.


Check out the Glitter Betty Instagram page or website to view the latest collection and to an eye out for her collaboration with Glotto.

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