Slay Kid: Killing the Meme Game - Bubblegum Club

Slay Kid: Killing the Meme Game

Memes are fast becoming the dominant popular art form on social media.  As a medium, they are simple to make and the right combination of image with text can become a viral sensation overnight.  The directness of memes has made them an important mechanism for political communication and social commentary. For example, the online ubiquity of Bernie Sander’s memes highlights how his presidential campaign has resonated with young Americans. Of course, many memes are used to convey reactionary messages, as seen in how they are used by political extremists and racists.  And many are just banal and forgettable.  However, there is an elite class of memes which stand out because of their boldness and imagination, using the format to make works which are bizarre, expressive and memorable.  Facebook pages like Nihilist Memes and Super Dank Anarchist Memes push the boundaries of political commentary, while Clickhole, a branch of the hugely influential Onion magazine, offers surreal satires of celebrity culture.


Some of the most sophisticated memes in South Africa, come from the Slay Kid page on Facebook.  With already over 5000 likes, the page is an online spin-off of the Slay Twins fashion crew, with the aim of ‘Generating Meme’s of the Nets “Slay Kids ” Just for Fun. Nothing Personal’.

The memes generally show people modelling their street clothes (lots of  ripped denim and influences for children’s anime shows like Dragon Ball Z) in bizarre and absurd poses and situations.  One shows a ninja-inspired slay focusing on priorities while running from the police by stopping to pose for a picture.  Another shows the wages of slaying too much- total exhaustion while still immaculately styled. There is a rich vein of macabre humour running through the memes, such as one which claims that kids have turned to grave robbing to find the perfect shoes.

Slay Kid memes highlight the durability of the meme form, working double-time as both memorable content and as striking promotion for fashion trends.


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