Miranda Barnes – A Humanist Eye into our reality - Bubblegum Club

Miranda Barnes – A Humanist Eye into our reality

A flash into the lived experience of humanity in an age characterized by its technisization; baring soft witness. Miranda Barnes’ photographic images of essentially “what it means to be human”, the very emotional, sometimes painful reality of our existence is expressed with a gaze of sincerity. Challenging misconceptions placed on people of colour in the states. Her photographs have seen her dazzle the pages of Vice and even The New York Times.

Her fascination with the camera as a tool for documentation came about in her high school years. Fond of carrying around disposable cameras she photographed the subjects that interested her, developed her film and uploaded streams of images onto her Tumblr page with no clear intent. A rather relatable working method for a photographer growing up round about the same time.

“My direction shifted during 2014 and the death of Mike Brown. His murder hit me really hard and I felt compelled to start documenting the protests around the city.” Her BA degree in criminal justice is deeply interwoven with her approach to photography.

“I think it’s hard to separate my degree from photography. Art and activism are intertwined and have always been…”

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