The Fourth edition of the Kampala Biennale titled Get Up Stand Up, is unlike others we have experienced before. Taking from the Bob Marley song, it encouraged artists to create work that is inspired by standing up to the challenges they face. The exhibition takes on a virtual form due to the covid-19 pandemic and leads to an immersive experience. Reflecting on curator Simon Njami’s curatorial concern, “how can we envision freedom in a globalised world?” 8 masters and over 30 apprentices shared their work in the 3 hour virtual exhibition through multiple media. South African artists Tracey Rose and Andrew Tshabangu were both masters in the biennale each bringing a different perspectives of the curatorial concern. Rose’s studio, Rock Starra, takes one through a cave in the shape of an Egyptian ankh as it explores a multitude of themes from cultural practices to speaking against misogyny through various media. Tshabangu’s studio called History is the home address, brings alive an empty shebeen as the viewer’s gaze is directed to the photographs on the shebeen walls; each a photograph by one of Tshabangu’s apprentices.
The biennale is aimed at making people understand how visual arts are useful to evoke change and in giving us space to possibly change the way in which we think. Divided into studio chapters under each master—the experienced navigates around different 3D artificially created landscapes. The combination of visual, 3D, audio, video and text-based material turns the Kampala Biennial into a multi-sensory experience. Through taking on a virtual form, the Biennale has also solved an issue many encounter when trying to attend exhibitions; the problem of accessibility. It brings forward a new model of art viewing suitable both under the covid-19 pandemic and in the globalisation of art. This transformation of the gallery space into an easily accessible alternative is notable and encouraged as we begin to imagine the future of art. The exhibition also solves an accessibility problem by being available for an extended amount of time as it is intended on staying online and becoming archival in the future. It provides a good example of how the art world can find innovative alternatives of exhibiting even under unusual circumstances. The virtual exhibition was set to launch at the end of 2020, however, due to political unrest in Uganda the launch was postponed. The theme of the biennale resonating stronger due to the countries political climate as they experience a controversial presidential election which resulted in a complete internet shutdown. Get Up Stand Up rings truer now for the people of Kampala as they stand up for their right to information and access to the internet. Internet services have been restored however social media platforms can only be accessed through the use of a VPN.
The exhibition is now online and can be viewed on the Kampala Biennale’s website